Ball State University
Dept of English
Muncie, IN
I give poetry readings. Sometimes, I play music. I try to answer questions and contribute to journals when people ask me. Sometimes I talk to students or classrooms. Sometimes I exchange email for seemingly no reason at all. I like the idea of you getting in touch with me just to say Hi.

Peter Davis' books of poetry are Hitler's Mustache, Poetry! Poetry! Poetry!, TINA, and Band Names & Other Poems. He edited Poet's Bookshelf: Contemporary Poets on Books that Shaped Their Art and co-edited Poet's Bookshelf II with Tom Koontz. His poems have appeared widely in journals like The Awl, The Believer, Court Green, Columbia Poetry Review, Tarpaulin Sky, Action, Yes!, and in anthologies like The Incredible Sestina Anthology and The Best American Poetry. His music project, Short Hand, has released 9 records, from 2005's Good Enough to 2018's ill fish. He lives in Muncie, Indiana with his wife and kids and teaches english at Ball State University. artisnecessary.com